Mon 27 Jan
Hey guys call now for a night of pleasure and fun! Ask about the hour special!!! - 25
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre/In calls)
100% R€al ♛♥▃▅LEXUS IS BACK ▅▃♥PuRe PlEaSuRE♥▃▅ Big BooTy ▅▃♥ PuerTo Rican♥▃▅ Incall ▅▃♥ ▃▅▆ ♛ - 25
(Reading, 5th st highway)
((( CHECK ME OUT ))) 5 ★☆ I aim to please!! *** 100 *** BUSTY **** 2 girls available!! CALL ME NOW ★ - 21
(Reading, incalls only (Reading))
Sun 26 Jan
~*~* You Whooo READING BOYS....leaving SUNDAY by 1pm LET'S PLAY ~*~* - 37
(Reading, Reading Incall/5th street READING/POTTST)
Up all night waitin 4 u!!! Specials on the hour call now don't miss out!!!!!!! - 25
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre/ In calls only)
☆ uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγDαtε ☆ ➓ ☆➓ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C E ★100%REAL★ - 19 - 19
•○● YoUR ULTIMATE FanTaSy ●○• →→ I'm BETTER than ↑HER & HER↓←← REAL PICS! GivE mE A TRY! - 24
(Reading, Reading incalls)
WEDNESDAY INCALL (New Pics)Jade & Katrina & Brooke Reading Rendevous Call 610-914-2878 - 29
(Reading, Reading Suburbs (Wyomissing))
💋🔥 Come Get What You Been Waiting For ❤️ Best BBW Around This Way 😘💋👩❤️💋👩💅🏼 - 23
(I come to u ❤️👅, Reading)
~*~ You Whooo READING for1D@y lets Pl@y.... SQE@ZE thee, TEEZE thee, PLE@$E thee ~*~ - 37
(Reading, Reading Incall/5th street READING/POTTST)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
*~*~* I * m *~* R * e * a * d * y * ! * ! * Pottstown / Phonexville Incalls ! ! * ! - 22
(Reading, POTTSTOWN)
*~* R * e * a * d y *~*~* T* o *~*~* P * l * a * y *~* g * u * y * s !*! - 22
Fri 10 Jan
*~* R * e * a * d * y * ~*~* G* u * y * s ! * * * incall pottstown/ Phonexville best rates!! - 22
(Reading, pottstown/ phonexville)
N€W* ★💎 № ➊ SeXy 💎★ CoLuMbIAN ★💋BiG BooTy 💋★ CuRvY ★ KnOcKoUT ★ GREAT★ ATTITUDE - 27
(Reading, 5th street highway)
~*~* You Whooo READING BOYS......was here but left in BETHLEHEM today LET'S PLAY ~*~* - 37
(Reading, Reading Incall/5th street READING/POTTST)
Thu 09 Jan
~*~ S * e * x * y *~* C * u * t * i e * *~* u * *~* R * e * a * d * y *~* pottstown / phonexville - 22
(Reading, pottstown/ phonexville)
New☆🔥CALL NOW❄️ BLONDE PARTY GIRL ❄️👸🔥Gentlemen's #1 Choice❤️ 💗•B€ÅUTIFUL•💓• PLAYMAT€ •❤️🎀💄 - 24
(out calls only( Pottstown ), Reading)
Wed 08 Jan
WARNING! EXTREMELY HOT! 💜💙💛 Gorgeously Busty 💜💙 COLLEGE GRAD 💚💛Dreamy Latina Mixed Goddess! - 27
Tue 07 Jan
I * T * S * *~*~* F * r * i d * a * y * ! * ! *~*~* I * m * ~*~* r e a d y * pottstown Incall - 22
(Reading, pottstown / phonexville incall)
Mon 06 Jan
»- ♥-» *•___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __ H__E __A __R __T __ »-♥-»* - 20
(Lancaster, Reading, OUTCALLS ONLY)
Sun 05 Jan
90$ SPEciaLs ★【SatIsfaCAtion guerntee 】if iTs not Me ★its FREE * BLOND & Pretty - 21
(Reading, allentown/reading)
NEW GIRL!!! (o)(o)*^*^*LOOK @ HER!!!!!The Super Sexy Goddess is HERE *^*^*(O) (O) !! *^* * *^* *^* ! - 22
$90-hh $130❀❀NeW GiRL iN tOwN LaSt NiGhT hErE❀❀ThiCk & SeXy❀ ❀BLonDe❀ ❀ ❀FuN❀ ❀GreAt pErSonAliTy❀❀ - - 24
(Reading, Reading (INCALL ONLY))
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
I'm Back in Reading! Come Spend Some Time⏰ With Me - 30
(Reading, exton pottstown lancaster allentown)
Thu 02 Jan